Copland House at 15!

Join Copland House on September 28 to celebrate two(!) milestones – Copland House’s 15th Anniversary and the 5th seaMerestead 2 croppedson of musical adventures at Merestead. Featured performers include: baritone James Martin; flutist Linda Chesis; clarinetist Derek Bermel;  violinist Karina Canellakis; cellist Nicholas Canellakis; pianist Michael Boriskin, and other surprise guests perform music by Sebastian Currier, Copland House Residents Pierre Jalbert and Rob Smith, CULTIVATE Fellows Reena Esmail and Tyler Capp, and Copland House’s own Derek Bermel (founding Music from Copland House ensemble clarinetist, composer-resident, and CULTIVATE Director).

For more information, visit