Kernis: Fearless (

Kernis Naxos 3 Flavors review MetrolandWhen reviewing Naxos’ new American Classics disc “Aaron Jay Kernis – Three Flavors,” – which features the Albany Symphony – B.A. Nilsson ( wrote about the composer’s orchestral work. “….[Kernis] describes Three Flavors as ‘a tasting of three different meals or characters,’ and it’s got enough variety to reinforce the notion that Kernis’ musical identity is chimerical…Kernis’ orchestral gestures are arresting, but they play out in a well-balanced scheme in which no note or instrument is wasted…The rousing finale only [affirms] that [he] is an American composer…Kernis is fearless.”  Visit to discover more of Nilsson’s thoughts about the disc’s two accompanying chamber works – Two Movements (with Bells) and Superstar Etude No. 3.

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