Premiered in 2009, the three-movement “Concerto with Echoes” was commissioned by…[the] Orpheus Chamber Orchestra as part of a project to create companion pieces for each of Bach’s six “Brandenburg” concertos. In choosing the last of the set, which derives distinctive color from the absence of violins, Kernis draws inspiration from Bach’s initial bar…
The music teems with echoes, not only of Bach but of other musicians who have paid him homage. Though densely contrapuntal and intensely virtuosic, it never feels scholastic or showy…the slow movement is the heart of Kernis’ piece. One of his ripe lyric utterances, it seems fit company for Bach. The final aria, made memorable by a touch of reserve, is scarcely less impressive. The reduced orchestra sounded superb, the low strings relishing their moment in the sun.
Larry Fuchsberg, The Star Tribune
Complete review: Here