Writing for The Huffington Post, Daniel Asia’s review of “Secret Alchemy” (recently released by Music from Copland House) begins with the lead, “”Music I (Mostly) Hold Dear: The Music of Pierre Jalbert.”
“Pierre Jalbert,” he continues, “writes music that is direct, speaks to the mind, heart, and soul, engages with notes and rhythms, traverses a musical landscape, and expresses a wide range of emotion… Jalbert has developed such a craft and language that is broad and expansive, yet exquisitely defined…On [the] new disc…all [four works] are multi-movement works, which means large-scale architecture is to be found, and of a very satisfying sort. They are played expertly and the sound is to perfection…This is a good place to start to become familiar with Jalbert’s fine music.” Read the complete review: http://ow.ly/ymfz30dZVvP