Textura reviews Mahani Teave’s “exceptional performances” on her Song of Rapa Nui album, calling her playing “swoon-inducing, dazzling, and masterful.”
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Textura reviews Mahani Teave’s “exceptional performances” on her Song of Rapa Nui album, calling her playing “swoon-inducing, dazzling, and masterful.”
Grammy Award-winning composer Richard Danielpour and Nobel Prize-winning novelist Toni Morrison collaborated to bring this true life story to the operatic stage. Margaret Garner was co-commissioned by opera companies in Detroit, Cincinnati and Philadelphia and made its ebut in May 2005 at Michigan Opera Theatre in Detroit.
Jeffrey Brown looks at composer Richard Danielpour’s acclaimed opera Margaret Garner, based on the same true story of slavery that was the basis for “Beloved” by Toni Morrison, who is the librettist.
Mahani Teave featured on Radio New Zealand’s Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan
Mahani Teave and Bill O’Connell of WCLV radio chat about her life journey, and her time studying at the Cleveland Institute of Music.
Mahani Teave talks to Latercera about her new album and film.