Kashkashian Plays Dvorak Quintet Op. 81 with Bell, Contzen, Maisky, Ax
Kashkashian plays Dvorak Quintet Op. 81 with Joshua Bell, Mirijam Contzen, Mischa Maisky, & Emanuel Ax at the Verbier Festival.
Kashkashian Six Suites for Viola Solo (Teaser)
A teaser of Kim Kashkashian's Six Suites for Viola Solo recording on ECM.
Kim Kashkashian Plays Sonata da Chiesa by Mansurian
Kim Kashkashian gives the U.S. premiere of Tigran Mansurian's Sonata da Chiesa.
Kim Kashkashian Plays Britten’s Lachrymae Op. 48a
Kim Kashkashian performs Benjamin Britten's Lachrymae Op. 48a with the New York Classical Players.
Sleepover at the Museum World Premiere with Miami Symphony
World Premiere performance of Sleepover at the Museum with the Miami Symphony Orchestra on February 24, 2019.
Moab Music Festival Featured on PBS Newshour
https://www.pbs.org/video/moab-music-festival-draws-fans-to-utah-s-ethereal-desert-1540146431/The Moab Music Festival featured on PBS NewsHour
Marina Piccinini plays “Wild Riot of the Shaman’s Dreams” by Colgrass
Marina Piccinini plays “Wild Riot of the Shaman’s Dreams” by Michael Colgrass on Toronto's Soundstreams Presents
Marina Piccinini plays Otar Taktakishvili Sonata
Marina Piccinini plays Otar Taktakishvili: Sonata for Flute & Piano in C Major
Marina Piccinini on growing up all over the world, her flute playing and more
International Soloist Marina Piccinini talks about her multi-cultural background , her flute-playing, favorite aspects of her musical life.
Marina Piccinini performs with the Vienna Philharmonic
The Standard (Vienna) commented "Piccinini proved to be a touching, bantering narrator" for the Nielsen Flute concerto, which she performed with the Vienna Philharmonic. Hear an excerpt